Segurança para celulares

Millions of Android users at risk from malicious SDK found on Google Play

Android Malware With Almost 500M Downloads Resides in Google Play

Millions of Android users may be at risk of a cyberattack because of Android malware, and multiple modifications on Google

ChatGPT Causes New Wave of Fleeceware

A inteligência artificial é um dos avanços mais significativos da tecnologia. É usado de uma forma ou de outra em todos os lugares,…

Android Malware. Is Malware on Android Phone Possible?

Malware Android é um nome comum para todos os softwares maliciosos presentes no Android. This OS appears not only on phones

Can Someone Track My Device When Location Settings Off?

Qualquer smartphone já possui serviços de rastreamento de localização integrados. No início, o rastreamento de localização foi criado para navegação, but it was

How To Know If Your Phone is Hacked?

Se o seu telefone parou de funcionar corretamente e começou a mostrar erros óbvios de desempenho, então algo está errado. If you notice that

payments with Apple Pay and Visa

Experts showed fraudulent payments from a locked iPhone with Apple Pay and a Visa card

Scientists talked about how to make fraudulent payments using Apple

Encryption algorithms for 2G networks

Encryption algorithms for 2G networks have been intentionally weakened

Um grupo de cientistas de diversas universidades europeias publicou um…

shorten URLs

Google stopped trying to shorten URLs in the address bar

A experiência do Google com tentativa de encurtar URLs (hiding parts of

Quantum computers will hack

Quantum computers will be able to hack bitcoin wallets

Experts argue that quantum computers will be able to hack

six 0-day vulnerabilities in Windows

Six 0-day vulnerabilities fixed in Windows, including a commercial exploit issue

Como parte do Patch Tuesday de junho, 50 vulnerabilities in Microsoft

6000 cyberattacks on NASA

NASA has faced 6000 cyberattacks in the past four years

A NASA identificou mais de 6000 different cyberattacks over the

Qualcomm Mobile Station Modem

Qualcomm Mobile Station Modem vulnerability threatens 40% of smartphones

More than a third of all smartphones in the world

Moxie Marlinspike and Cellebrite Vulnerabilities

Moxie Marlinspike Demonstrates Cellebrite Tools Vulnerabilities

Criador de sinal, criptógrafo renomado, hacker, pesquisador e anarquista Moxie Marlinspike…

operation against cheat developers

Tencent and Chinese police conducted a joint operation against game cheat developers

Chinese police in collaboration with tech giant Tencent have launched

Expert intercepted traffic

Expert intercepted traffic using bitsquatting

An independent expert known as Remy discovered that Microsoft domains

Netherlands police posted warnings

Netherlands police posted warnings on hacker forums

The Netherlands police posted warnings on popular Russian and English