Segurança para celulares

Vulnerability in Apple iCloud

Vulnerability in Apple iCloud puts billion users at risk

Security of over a billion iPhone owners and users of popular instant messengers is at risk due to a vulnerability

Unofficial fixes released for 0-day issue in Windows Mobile Device Management Service

Unofficial fixes released for 0-day issue in Windows Mobile Device Management Service Access to Work or School. O problema é…

Ukrainian law enforcement officers arrested members of the hacker group Phoenix

O Serviço de Segurança da Ucrânia (SBU) announced the arrest of five members of the international hacker group Phoenix, which specializes

NUCLEUS: 13 Problems Threat to Medical Devices, Automobiles and Industrial Systems

Forescout e Medigate Labs emitiram um relatório sobre NUCLEUS:13 problemas – Um conjunto de 13 vulnerabilities which affect Siemens Software

Expert hacked 70% of Wi-Fi networks in Tel Aviv for research

O especialista da CyberArk, Ido Hoorvitch, foi hackeado 70% de redes Wi-Fi em sua terra natal, Tel Aviv, seeking to prove that home networks

Google paid cybersecurity experts

In 2020, Google paid cybersecurity experts $6.7 million

Durante o ano, Google pagou 6.7 million to cybersecurity

South Africa continue to use Flash

Authorities of South Africa create their own browser to continue to use Flash

ZDNet reports that the South Africa Revenue service has created

Android worm spreads via WhatsApp

New worm for Android spreads rapidly via WhatsApp

O pesquisador de segurança da ESET, Lukas Stefanko, relatou um novo malware: ele…

Microsoft and DHL in phishing attacks

Hackers majorly use Microsoft and DHL brands in phishing attacks

Hackers majorly use the Microsoft and DHL brands in phishing

Cellmate men's chastity belts

Extortionists hack into Cellmate men’s chastity belts

Último outono, researchers from Pen Test Partners reported on the

Nissan source code leaked

Nissan source code leaked due to admin: admin credentials

The source code for mobile apps and internal tools for

Storming of the US Congress and cybersecurity

Storming of the US Congress poses a serious threat to cybersecurity

Ataque ao Congresso dos EUA em Washington, in addition to

AIR-FI turns RAM into Wi-Fi

AIR-FI attack turns RAM into a makeshift Wi-Fi signal source

Experts from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University have demonstrated the AIR-FI attack,…

SolarWinds was hacked

SolarWinds was hacked because its credentials were publicly available on GitHub

Earlier this week was reported a massive attack on the

Heavy ad blocker in Chrome

Heavy ad blocker started working in the Google Chrome

No início deste ano, Google Chrome developers announced about adding of

5G and it’s possible effect on our lives

5G and it’s possible effect on our lives

5G networks are declared as an amazing technology that can

Google services in phishing campaigns

Cybercriminals started using Google services more often in phishing campaigns

Security researchers have reported an increase in cyberattacks using Google