Notícias, Pontas, Laboratório de segurança

PC Accelerate Removal guide

PC Accelerate

PC Accelerate é um software questionável que se apresenta como um utilitário útil projetado para otimizar o desempenho do seu computador. Em…


Virus:Win32/Floxif.H é uma detecção de um programa malicioso, though not a virus as you may suppose by its name. Programas maliciosos…

HxTsr.exe – What is the HxTsr Process?

The HxTsr.exe process is a part of the Microsoft Outlook Communications component of the Windows 10/11 sistema operacional. Este processo…


PUA:Win32/Caypnamer.A!ml is a detection used by Microsoft’s Defender that identifies files or processes exhibiting suspicious characteristics. It is typically associated

URL:Scam (Avast)

URL:Scam é um nome genérico de detecção de um site perigoso, que aparece em vários mecanismos antivírus. It may appear during

PUABundler:Win32/PiriformBundler - How to Remove?


PUABundler:Win32/PiriformBundler é a detecção de um programa indesejado, developed and

Rugmi Loader Surfaces, Spreads Infostealers

Novice Rugmi Loader Delivers Various Spyware

The threat landscape meets a new playerRugmi Loader.

Xamalicious Trojan Infects Android Devices Through Google Play Apps

Xamalicious Trojan Hits Over 327K Android Devices

Um novo backdoor para Android, apelidado de Xamalicious, was discovered by the

Integris Health Patient Complain About Extortion Emails

Integris Health Hacked, Patients Receive Ransom Emails

Integris Saúde, A mais extensa rede de saúde sem fins lucrativos de Oklahoma, fell victim

Carbanak is Back With New Distribution Channels

Carbanak is Back with a New Spreading Tactic

O grupo de crimes cibernéticos Carbanak, famoso por seu malware bancário, tem…

What to Do If I Got Scammed - Guide

What Should You Do When You Get Scammed?

À medida que as fraudes online se tornam não só mais difundidas, mas também…

Crypto Drainer Attack - How do They Work?

What are Crypto Draining Attacks? Signs & Mitigation

Entre uma grande variedade de possíveis golpes que envolvem criptomoedas,…

Russian Hackers Target Ukraine with LonePage Malware

UAC-0099 Targets Ukrainian Companies With Lonepage Malware

Ukrainian cyberwarfare sees further action as the UAC-0099 threat actor

APT33 targets defense firms with FalseFont malware

FalseFont Malware Targets Defence Contractors Worldwide

The Iranian hacking group APT33 has developed a new malware

Frauds Exploit Twitter's Feature to Promote Cryptoscams

Cryptocurrency Scams on Twitter Exploit Post Features

Fraudsters are seen to exploit a feature of Twitter publications,…

What Are Remote Encryption Attacks?

What are Remote Encryption Attacks? Explanation & Mitigation

The digital world is seeing a surge in remote encryption

Comcast stated hackers stole data of 35.8 million Xfinity customers

Comcast’s Xfinity Breach Exposes Data of 35.8 Million Users

Comcast confirms a massive security breach impacting its Xfinity division.