Notícias, Pontas, Laboratório de segurança

Bitfiat Coin Miner Malware - Overview & Removal Guide

Bitfiat Process High CPU – Explained & Removal Guide

Bitfiat é um minerador de moedas malicioso que explora o hardware do seu computador para extrair criptomoedas. Such malware takes as much resources


Errôneo:Win32/Lodi é a detecção de software potencialmente perigoso pelo Microsoft Defender. Faz afirmações enganosas ou enganosas sobre arquivos, entradas de registro, ou…


Trojan:Roteiro/Phonzy.B!ml é um nome de detecção genérico usado pelo Microsoft Defender. This type of malware is categorized as a loader as

LockBit is Back With New Claims and Victims

A história da remoção do ransomware LockBit em fevereiro 19 continua a se desenrolar. Depois de quase uma semana de inatividade e silêncio,…


PUADlManager:Win32/OfferCore é uma detecção do Microsoft Defender relacionada ao software incluído, specifically to a piece of code that is used

Military and Intelligence Data Leak On VirusTotal

Hundreds of Military and Intelligence Agencies Uploaded Data to VirusTotal

An employee of the Google-owned platform VirusTotal accidentally uploaded a

Meduza Stealer Analysis in 2023

Meduza Stealer: What Is It & How Does It Work?

O mundo do malware evolui constantemente, and it would be reckless

Hackers Employ WormGPT for Generating Phishing Emails

WormGPT Helps Cybercriminals to Launch Sophisticated Phishing Attacks

SlashNext noticed that cybercriminals are increasingly using generative AI in

US Military Emails Compromised Due to the Typos in Receiver Address

US Military Emails Leaked Massively Due to the Typo

Email letters sent to the US military addresses ended up

Microsoft’s nOAuth Flaw Allows Email Spoofing

Microsoft “nOAuth” is Vulnerable to Simple Email Spoofing

Em junho, pesquisadores revelaram uma vulnerabilidade no Azure Active Directory…

American Airlines Hacked by Cl0p via MOVEit MFT Vulnerabilities

American Airlines Hacked by Cl0P Gang, MOVEit Involved

American Airlines, a maior companhia aérea dos EUA, parece…

Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock Microsoft Defender Detection

Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock – What is That Detection?

Detecções em massa de cavalos de Tróia no Windows Defender:Win32/Randet.A!plock preocupa as pessoas. Are the

CVE-2023-36884 Microsoft Zero Day Vulnerability

Microsoft CVE-2023-36884 Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

Em julho 11, 2023, Microsoft published an article about addressing

BlackLotus UEFI Bootkit

Researchers Found BlackLotus UEFI Bootkit Sources on GitHub

O código-fonte do bootkit BlackLotus UEFI, que foi…

What is cybersecurity risk?

What is Cyber Risk Exposure and How Can You Manage It?

As empresas modernas enfrentam ameaças de segurança cibernética diariamente. While most are effectively

Amazon Prime Day - An Opportunity for Scammers

Amazon Prime Day Scams and Fake Amazon Websites

It’s not uncommon for scammers to target online shoppers, often

Cryptocurrency Scams Aim Hot and Cold Wallets At Once

Hot and Cold Crypto Wallets Hacking

Cryptocurrency is a rapidly changing world where people can make