Notícias, Pontas, Laboratório de segurança

LockBit Ransomware Starts Using Word Files For Distribution, Again

LockBit Ransomware Uses Resume Word Files to Spread

Uma investigação recente da ASEC revela as novas táticas do infame ransomware LockBit. “Post-paid pentesters” started masquerading as innocuous

Over 178,000 SonicWall Firewalls are Vulnerable to DoS and RCE

Recent research uncovers a significant portion of SonicWall firewall instances being susceptible to attacks. Em particular, two vulnerabilities are able

9 PixieFail Vulnerabilities Discovered in TianoCore’s EDK II

Uma cadeia de 9 vulnerabilidades no ambiente de execução pré-inicialização da UEFI (PXE), apelidado de PixieFail, foi descoberto em uma pesquisa recente. Como…

What are Facebook Job Scams and How to Avoid Them?

O Facebook é provavelmente a mídia social mais usada em todo o mundo. Infelizmente, it has also become a hub for scammers to

New Google Chrome 0-day Vulnerability Exploited, Update Now

Nas notas de versão mais recentes, Google reports about a new 0-day vulnerability that is already exploited in the wild.

RedLine Stealer is Off to a Low Start

RedLine Stealer Issues 100,000 Samples – What is Happening?

Durante todo o início de maio 2023, GridinSoft analysts team observed

Grand Explorer Malware Removal Guide

Grand Explorer Software – Remove Malware & Repair System

Aplicativo Grande Explorador, ou, as it is displayed in the

Aurora Stealer Spreads via Fake Windows Update

Fake Windows Update in Browser Deliver Aurora Stealer

Fake Windows Update became a malware spreading way once again.

FSB cyberspyware

The FBI Disrupted the Cyberspyware “Snake” that the Russian FSB Used for 20 Years

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday reported the

LockBit Gang Leaks 600GB of Fullerton India's Data

Fullerton India Hacked, LockBit Leaks 600GB of Data

Fullerton Índia, uma grande instituição de crédito da Índia, appears to

Ransomware Using AuKill Malware to Disable EDR

Ransomware Attacks Increasingly Using AuKill Malware to Disable EDR

Uma nova ferramenta de crime cibernético chamada “AuKill” emergiu, which attackers

AI and brain signals

AI Generated Video Based on Mouse Brain Signals

A team of researchers from the EPFL has developed an

Black Cat and Western Digital

BlackCat Group Leaks Western Digital Data to the Network

Os operadores do ransomware BlackCat (também conhecido como ALPHV) publicaram…

LOBSHOT Cryptostealer Offers Advanced Capabilities

LOBSHOT malware steals cryptowallets, exploits Google Ads

LOBSHOT, uma família de malware recentemente detectada, appears to be a new

Microsoft Edge and Bing

Microsoft Edge Exposes Bing API Addresses of Attended Sites

Users have noticed that a bug seems to have crept

Clop LockBit and PaperCut

Clop and LockBit Ransomware Exploit Fresh Vulnerabilities in PaperCut

Microsoft has linked recent attacks on PaperCut servers to ransomware