O blog de segurança da Gridinsoft

FBot Malware Targets Cloud and Payment Services.

Novice FBot Stealer Targets Cloud Services

Pesquisadores relatam sobre uma nova cepa de malware chamada FBot. This Python-based malicious program appears to be a unique tool in

AzorUlt Stealer Is Back In Action, Uses Email Phishing

Especialistas em segurança cibernética encontraram o malware Azorult de oito anos. Este malware rouba informações e coleta dados confidenciais, and has been

Remcos RAT Targets South Korean Users Through Webhards

An infamous Remcos RAT reportedly started targeting South Korean users through the files shared on Webhards platform. By baiting users

GitLab Zero-Click Account Hijack Vulnerability Revealed

Em janeiro 11, 2024, GitLab lançou uma atualização com o aviso oficial sobre a correção de violação crítica de segurança. A vulnerabilidade…

Windows SmartScreen Vulnerability Exploited to Spread Phemedrone Stealer

The malicious campaign exploits the CVE-2023-36025 vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Defender SmartScreen to spread Phemedrone Stealer. It utilizes intricate evasion

DarkGate Malware Activity Spikes as Developer Rents Out It

DarkGate Loader Expands Activity, Delivers Ransomware

A new DarkGate malware deployment campaign has caught the attention

Qakbot Botnet Shut Down, Ransomware Attacks Stopped

Qakbot Botnet Hacked, Removed from Over 700,000 Machines

Qakbot, um botnet notório, has been taken down by a

Wilko Shopping Scams Hide as Stock Liquidation

Wilko Stock Liquidation Scams – Fake Shopping Sites

Recent events around the Wilko retail chain are sad for

Botnet of 400k Devices Was Used as Proxy Service

Botnet of 400,000 Devices Used as Proxy Nodes Uncovered

Cybercriminals used stealthy malware to create a botnet of 400,000

HiatusRAT Analysis & Recent Attack Description

HiatusRAT Used in Attacks on Taiwan Companies and U.S. Military

Recent attacks on US military systems and Taiwan companies are

Uncovering Cryptocurrency recovery scams

Beware of Cryptocurrency Recovery Scams

Recentemente, the FBI reported increased scammers posing as companies offering

The Season of Back to School Scams

Back to School Scams Expand As August Begins

À medida que a nova temporada escolar se aproxima, scammers target students and

Patch to Ivanti EPMM Vulnerability Is Exploitable

Ivanti EPMM Vulnerability Patch is Vulnerable

Ivanti, the provider of a wide range of management solutions

Phishing Dangers of .zip Domains

Are .zip Domains Safe to Use and Visit?

A Internet se tornou nossa segunda casa. Every time we

Phishing on Twitter Transition to X

Twitter Blue to X Phishing Breakout

Amid the chaos of Twitter’s transition to the new name

Bahamut Group Exploit Phony Android Application

Bahamut APT Targets Users With Fake SafeChat App

Attackers are using a fake SafeChat Android app to attack

Ex-Conti Members Work for Akira Ransomware Gang

Conti Members Are Back in Action as Part of Akira Ransomware

Especialistas estão investigando atividade do grupo de ransomware Akira, qual…