O blog de segurança da Gridinsoft

Frauds Exploit Twitter's Feature to Promote Cryptoscams

Cryptocurrency Scams on Twitter Exploit Post Features

Fraudsters are seen to exploit a feature of Twitter publications, enganando os usuários e colocando em risco os ativos digitais. This deceptive strategy hinges

What are Remote Encryption Attacks? Explanation & Mitigation

The digital world is seeing a surge in remote encryption attacks – um sofisticado ataque de ransomware. Although there is nothing

Comcast’s Xfinity Breach Exposes Data of 35.8 Million Users

Comcast confirms a massive security breach impacting its Xfinity division. Aproximadamente 36 million customers of the world’s largest telecom provider

Mr. Cooper’s Data Breach Affects Millions

Hackers se infiltraram nos bancos de dados seguros do Sr.. Tanoeiro, uma importante empresa de hipotecas e empréstimos, resulting in a massive data

ALPHV Site Taken Down by the FBI

Em dezembro 19, 2023, um dos sites de ransomware ALPHV/BlackCat foi derrubado pelo FBI. The typical FBI banner

Russian-speaking Enlisted players

WannaCry 3.0 Ransomware Aims At Enlisted Russian-speaking Players

Uma carga de ransomware até então desconhecida, que se autodenomina WannaCry…

Fake security company is spreading malware through GitHub

Malware in GitHub Repositories Is Spread From Fake Security Company Name

Researchers detected fake company accounts on GitHub linked to a

BreachForums Back Online, Revived by ShinyHunters

BreachForums Is Back Online, Led by ShinyHunters

BreachFóruns, an infamous Darknet forum that was shut down in

new vulnerabilities in MOVEit Transfer

New critical vulnerabilities found in MOVEit Transfer

It became known that during the audit in the solution

RDP Honeypot Counted for 3.5 Million Attacks

RDP Honeypot Was Attacked 3.5 Million Times

Com aumento do trabalho remoto, IT teams use remote access tools

PoC Exploit for a vulnerability in Win32k

Information Security Experts Published a PoC Exploit for a Vulnerability in Win32k

Information security experts have published a PoC exploit for a

Batcloak obfuscation engine

BatCloak’s New Obfuscation Engine Outperforms 80% of Antiviruses

Pesquisadores da Trend Micro relataram recentemente que desde setembro 2022, atacantes…

Fortinet Fixes RCE Vulnerability in Two Software Solutions

Fortinet Fixes RCE Flaws in FortiOS and FortiProxy

Fortuna, um conhecido fornecedor de soluções de segurança de nível corporativo, issued an

Clop and MOVEit Transfer

Clop Attacks on MOVEit Transfer Affected British Airways, BBC and More

De acordo com pesquisadores de segurança, the Clop ransomware group has been

Android Malware Hides in Play Store as Legit Apps

Android Malware Mimics VPN, Netflix and Over 60k of Other Apps

Android é um sistema operacional aberto. This is an advantage

Beware Email Scams Related to Summer Vacations

Beware of Vacation-Related Scams: 4 Most Prevalent Types

Email scam actors constantly try to pick a better disguise

What is BlackCat Ransomware

BlackCat Ransomware New Update Boosts Exfiltration Speed

BlackCat ransomware continues to make a fuss globally for the