O blog de segurança da Gridinsoft

New Apache Struts 2 RCE Vulnerability Discovered

New Apache Struts 2 Vulnerability Allows for RCE

A newly discovered critical security flaw in Apache Struts 2, uma estrutura de aplicativo da web de código aberto amplamente utilizada, has spurred an

Malicious Loan Apps in Play Store Decieved 12M Users

Dezoito aplicativos de empréstimo maliciosos na Google Play Store, fazendo-se passar por serviços financeiros legítimos, enganaram usuários. They offer high-interest-rate

PoolParty Injection Techniques Circumvent EDR Solutions

Um conjunto de técnicas de injeção de processo, chamado PoolParty, foi apresentado no Black Hat Europe 2023 conferência. Um conjunto de…

WordPress Critical Vulnerability Fixed in Patch 6.4.2

WordPress lançou versão 6.4.2, abordando uma execução remota crítica de código (RCE) vulnerabilidade. Descoberto pela equipe de segurança do projeto,…

AeroBlade TA Spies On U.S. Aerospace Industry

Cybersecurity experts have uncovered a sophisticated cyberespionage campaign targeting a prominent U.S. organização aeroespacial. O ator da ameaça, identificado como AeroBlade,…

RaidForum Leak Contains Data of 478,000 Users

RaidForums Leaked, Data of Almost 500,000 Users Published

RaidFóruns, o ex-líder entre os fóruns clandestinos, now suffers

MDBotnet Extensively Used in DDoS Attacks

New MDBotnet Malware Rapidly Expands a DDoS Network

MDBotnet is a new malware strain that appears to be

Ransomware Attacks Decline in 2023

Ransomware Attacks Decline in 2023 – Is It True?

De acordo com estatísticas de status de ataques de ransomware, the trend of incidents

zip and .mov for phishing

Attackers Can Use .Zip and .Mov Domains for Phishing

Especialistas’ fears that attackers will use new .zip and .mov

US Authorities Warn of Disaster-Related Scams

US Authorities Warn of Disaster-Related Scams

Após desastres naturais e condições climáticas severas, there is a higher

CAPTCHA in Discord and AI

CAPTCHA in Discord Asks Users to Find Non-Existent Objects Created by AI

Users complain that the Discord CAPTCHA provided by hCaptcha forces

GitLab Releases Patch to Critical Vulnerability

GitLab Releases Patch to Critical Vulnerability

GitLab, one of the most famous code repositories in the

Godaddy Refund Phishing Scam

GoDaddy Refund Phishing Emails Spread Infostealer

Hackers started using GoDaddy Refund Emails as a disguise to

Philadelphia Inquirer Falls Victim to Cuba Ransomware

Philadelphia Inquirer is Struck by Cuba Ransomware

O Inquiridor da Filadélfia, Philadelphia’s largest newspaper by circulation and third-longest-running

FIN7 resumed activity

FIN7 Hack Group Resumed Activity, Linked to Clop Ransomware

Microsoft analysts report that last month the notorious hacker group

What is ChatGPT Fleeceware?

ChatGPT Causes New Wave of Fleeceware

A inteligência artificial é um dos avanços mais significativos na…

Python Package Index is Flooded with Malware

PyPI Malware Storm Forces to Suspend New Uploads

Índice de pacotes Python, um repositório de software para desenvolvedores Python, recentemente…