O blog de segurança da Gridinsoft

Janet Jackson song

Janet Jackson Song Killed Hard Drives on Old Laptops

O especialista da Microsoft, Raymond Chen, compartilhou uma história interessante da era do Windows XP no blog: o videoclipe de…

Critical Bug in Google Titan M Chip Netted Researchers $75,000

Pesquisadores da Quarkslab publicaram detalhes de um bug crítico que encontraram no chip Google Titan M no início deste ano. Let

Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s Ongoing Phishing Operations

Centro de Inteligência de Ameaças da Microsoft (MSTIC) especialistas anunciam a interrupção de uma operação conduzida pelo grupo de hackers de língua russa SEABORGIUM, alvejando…

Researcher Hacks Starlink Terminal With $25 Homemade Board

Lennert Wouters, pesquisador da Universidade Católica de Leuven, who previously discovered a bug that allowed to hijack Tesla

Chinese Hackers Injected a Backdoor into the MiMi Messenger

Especialistas da SEKOIA e da Trend Micro publicaram relatórios sobre a atividade do grupo de hackers chinês APT27 (também conhecido como Emissário Panda, Iron

The most dangerous malware of November 2019

Check Point named the most dangerous malware of November 2019

Equipe de pesquisa da Check Point, Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:…

LockerGoga developers looking in Ukraine

France are looking for LockerGoga ransomware developers in Ukraine

French law enforcement agencies are looking in Ukraine for developers

Message disable WhatsApp chat

An attacker in a WhatsApp group chat could disable messengers of other participants

Você gosta de conversar em grupos de interesse? Are you

Google Fined Record €4.3 Billion for Abusing Dominance in Smartphone Market

Google Fined Record €4.3 Billion for Abusing Dominance in Smartphone Market

Em julho 18, 2018, the European Commission announced that it

Smoke Loader Malware

Smoke Loader Malware: New Password-Stealing Infection Method

A new variant of the Smoke Loader malware has been

Windows 8.1 ☠️ The End of Support

Windows 8.1 ☠️ The End of Support

Primeiro, it’s important to understand that Microsoft ended support for

Top 10 the most dangerous viruses of all time

Top 10 Deadliest Virus in

Computer viruses are really similar to real-life ones. Eles podem…

prevent data breaches

MongoDB Data Breaches

One of the biggest breaches of databases happened recently –

Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

Galaxy Note Samsung 7 The biggest failure of Samsung for