Pontas & Truques

What is PUA:Win32/MyWebSearch?


PUA:Win32/MyWebSearch é uma detecção do Microsoft Defender que se refere a um modificador de navegador indesejado. This application adds add-ons and toolbars that


Trojan:Win32/Tnega!MSR is a malicious program that functions to deliver other malware. It uses numerous anti-detection tricks and is often distributed


PUA:Win32/Presenoker é um adware projetado para ganhar dinheiro exibindo anúncios intrusivos e coletando dados. This malware can take control

USB Shortcut Virus

Vírus de atalho USB, é um programa malicioso que mexe com arquivos nos discos. It is a rather old

Personal Data vs. Sensitive Data: What is the Difference?

A tecnologia é cada vez mais importante em nossas casas, negócios, e dispositivos pessoais. Como resultado, we are generating more personal data

Social Media Threaten Information Security

Information Security Threats in Social Media

Social media has become an important aspect of our everyday

njRAT Hides in Trojanized TeamViewer Installers

Trojanized TeamViewer Installer Spreads njRAT

Threat actors reportedly started using fake TeamViewer to distribute malware.

Meduza Stealer Analysis in 2023

Meduza Stealer: What Is It & How Does It Work?

O mundo do malware evolui constantemente, and it would be reckless

Microsoft’s nOAuth Flaw Allows Email Spoofing

Microsoft “nOAuth” is Vulnerable to Simple Email Spoofing

Em junho, pesquisadores revelaram uma vulnerabilidade no Azure Active Directory…

What is cybersecurity risk?

What is Cyber Risk Exposure and How Can You Manage It?

As empresas modernas enfrentam ameaças de segurança cibernética diariamente. While most are effectively

Amazon Prime Day - An Opportunity for Scammers

Amazon Prime Day Scams and Fake Amazon Websites

It’s not uncommon for scammers to target online shoppers, often

Fake Driver Signatures Used to Inject Malware

Forged Driver Signatures Exploited In The Wild

Hackers usam ativamente falsificação de assinatura de driver, que se origina de um…

Bed Bath & Beyond Shopping Scams Explained

Bed Bath & Beyond Shopping Scams

No final de abril, 2023, American home goods retailer Bed Bath

How to prevent companies from being compromised?

How Can Companies Be Secure Against Cyberattacks?

As organizações enfrentam uma realidade alarmante no mundo digital: dados…

Darknet Forums and Malware Spreading: All You Need to Know

Malware Propagation On Darknet Forums

The forums on the dark web are well-known for being

Credentials Theft & Emails Scams - How to Protect?

Credentials Theft is On The Rise

Email spam has become the prevalent form of phishing and

What is Corporate Digital Footprint and How to Protect It?

How to Protect Your Digital Footprint

The modern business world has been greatly advanced by the