Pontas & Truques

PUABundler:Win32/CandyOpen Malware Removal Guide


PUABundler:Win32/CandyOpen é um programa indesejado que atua como um sequestrador de navegador e pode baixar aplicativos indesejados para o seu sistema. Especificamente,…

What Should You Do When You Get Scammed?

À medida que as fraudes online se tornam não só mais difundidas, mas também mais sofisticado, it appears to be rather easy to become

What is Sextortion? Explanation, Signs & Ways to Avoid

Sextortion is a specific email phishing tactic that was around for quite some time. Over the last few years though

What is Catfishing? Explanation & Ways to Avoid

A pesca-gato parece ser a nova e velha abordagem no phishing online. Embora tenha menos ameaça direta ao usuário, pode…

Rude Stealer Targets Data from Gamer Platforms

Um ladrão recém-descoberto baseado em Java chamado Rude surgiu, encapsulado em um arquivo Java (JAR) arquivo. It employs a range

How To Securely Store Passwords

How To Securely Store Passwords

How To Securely Store Passwords This article is about how

Antimalware Service Executable High CPU

Antimalware Service Executable

Windows Defender is a decent antivirus solution that comes in

Crimeware Attacks

How to Prevent Crimeware Attacks: Users` Guide

Você pode se deparar com o termo “Crimeware” and understandably get

Symptoms Of Adware

8 Symptoms Of Adware: How to Avoid it

O que significa adware? It is an agressive software whose

Static And Dynamic Ip Address

Static And Dynamic Ip Address: Brief Comparison

A Internet é construída em endereços IP. They are divided

DNS Cache Poisoning and DNS Spoofing

DNS Cache Poisoning and DNS Spoofing

DNS poisoning and spoofing is a cyberattack that exploits vulnerabilities

Ryuk ransomware

Ryuk – Devastatingly Effective Targeted Ransomware

Ransomware is a malicious program which an attacker injects into

How to Delete Facebook Account

How to Delete Facebook Account Page Permanently

Before you delete your Facebook account, you should understand the

How to Legally Get Spam Email Revenge

Spam Email Revenge: Ways to Seek Retribution

Vingança de e-mail de spam: Ao usar a internet, é impossível…


CSRF vs. XSS: What are Their Similarity and Differences

CSRF e XSS: Definition Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an

Types of Cyber Security Attacks in IoT

10 Types of Cyber Security Attacks in IoT

Num mundo onde o progresso da informação se desenvolve rapidamente, isto…

penetration testing

Penetration Testing: Stages and Methods

O que é teste de penetração? Penetration testing is a method by