Pontas & Truques

Social Media Threaten Information Security

Information Security Threats in Social Media

Social media has become an important aspect of our everyday lives in this age of technology and information. Despite its

Trojanized TeamViewer Installer Spreads njRAT

Atores de ameaças supostamente começaram a usar TeamViewer falso para distribuir malware. Their particular favourite for the final payload is the infamous

Meduza Stealer: What Is It & How Does It Work?

O mundo do malware evolui constantemente, e seria imprudente ignorar os recém-chegados e o seu potencial. Meduza Stealer appears to

Microsoft “nOAuth” is Vulnerable to Simple Email Spoofing

Em junho, researchers revealed a vulnerability in Azure Active Directory and third-party apps called “nOAuth,” that could result in a

What is Cyber Risk Exposure and How Can You Manage It?

As empresas modernas enfrentam ameaças de segurança cibernética diariamente. Embora a maioria seja efetivamente neutralizada, um ataque bem-sucedido pode levar a consequências desagradáveis. Portanto,…


Can Malware Spread Through a Shared Wi-Fi Connection?

It is hard to imagine the modern world without wireless

What is a Smurf Attack? How does it work?

What is a Smurf Attack? How Does It Work?

Smurfando, ou ataque smurf, is a kind of DDoS attack.


What is Typosquatting: How Does It Work in 2022?

There is a special trap on the Internet for people,…

Rootkit Attack

How to Prevent a Rootkit Attack?

Maybe you’ve already heard somewhere the name rootkit1. O…

Maze Ransomware

Maze Ransomware Attack: All You Need to Know

Nos últimos anos, ransomware2 has become

Zero Day Attacks - How To Prevent Them?

Zero-Day Vulnerability: Understanding the Real Threats

Zero-day vulnerability are the real mess of a modern cybersecurity


Use Strong Passwords to Can’t be Hacked

A password to an internet service account, perfil de mídia social,…

Phishing attack

TOP 12 Most Dangerous Types of Phishing Attacks 2022

Phishing is a type of cyberattack that is committed with

Ransomware Protection

The Best Ransomware Protection for 2024

Ransomware is considered one of the most dangerous types of

Speed Up Your Computer

How to Clean Up And Speed Up Your Computer?

We used to think about computers as insensitive robots that

password stealer

What Is Password Stealer And How Dangerous Is It?

Ladrões de senhas, ou PWS, is the specific malware type that

What is VulkanRT?

What Is VulkanRT? Does It a Virus?

Como usuário, you may have concerns when you notice

  1. Rootkit malware
  2. What is ransomware read here