Pontas & Truques

DDoS for Hire Services Gain Popularity

DDoS-For-Hire Services Used by Hacktivists in 2023

A maioria das pessoas pensa que você deve ser um hacker para participar de ataques cibernéticos. No entanto, como o ano passado mostrou, downloading

US Authorities Warn of Disaster-Related Scams

Após desastres naturais e condições climáticas severas, there is a higher chance of fraudulent activities as scammers prey on vulnerable individuals

ChatGPT Causes New Wave of Fleeceware

A inteligência artificial é um dos avanços mais significativos da tecnologia. É usado de uma forma ou de outra em todos os lugares,…

Oneetx.exe – What is that process? Oneetx Removal

Oneetx.exe é um processo malicioso, relacionado ao malware dropper Amadey. Pode ser visualizado no Gerenciador de Tarefas, with seemingly

PyPI Malware Storm Forces to Suspend New Uploads

Índice de pacotes Python, um repositório de software para desenvolvedores Python, recentemente enfrentou um ataque massivo. An enormous flow of malicious uploads

start cleaning PC

Reasons to Start Cleaning Your PC Right Now

We may sometimes forget that our little friends aka computers

Risks Downloading Leaked Operating Systems

Risks Downloading Leaked Operating Systems

We do hear about OS leaks of any type very



Take a Closer look to Your Bank Accounts Some people

The Internet of Things – Understanding its Impact on Your Security

The Internet of Things – Understanding its Impact on Your Security

A Internet das Coisas (IoT) is rapidly transforming the way

Online Recruitment and Its Traps

Online Recruitment and Its Traps

Não é mais eficaz recorrer a todas as empresas com…

6 Online Security Checks you need to do regularly

6 Online Security Checks you need to do regularly

Security checks are a crucial area of concern every person

Why PC Security Software Can’t Be Free?

Why PC Security Software Can’t Be Free?

Vivemos na era dos computadores, a world on

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Scariest Online Threats You Should Know About

Today almost every aspect of our life has moved online.


Get 70% off on GridinSoft Anti-Malware this Halloween

O Halloween está chegando, and we have an

USB Drive

USB Drive Security Risks: What You Need To Know

A USB drive may seem like the most convenient medium

Top 4 tips to speed up a slow PC

Top 4 tips to speed up a slow PC

Bem, you probably can recall that sweet feeling of owning

Why are "free" browser extensions not actually a good deal?

Why are “free” browser extensions not actually a good deal?

A plug-in required to improve the functionality of any web