Pontas & Truques

Attention! Top 11 Latest Telegram App Scams to Watch Out For

Top 11 Telegram Scams in 2024

Com mais de 800 milhões de usuários ativos, Telegram é um dos mensageiros mais populares do mundo. No entanto, isso é…

Top Amazon Scams to Avoid

Devido à sua confiabilidade, Amazon é uma escolha popular tanto para compradores quanto para vendedores. Mas os fraudadores recorrem frequentemente ao…

Facebook Fraud: Other Dangerous Facebook Scams

O Facebook é provavelmente uma das plataformas mais populares para comunicações online. Por essa razão, it is also a favorite

Scareware: How to Identify, Prevent and Remove It

Scareware is a widespread Internet fraud scheme that intimidates victims into buying unnecessary or harmful software taking advantage of their

Paypal Scams: Most Dangerous Examples

O PayPal tem a reputação de ser uma maneira fácil e segura de enviar e receber dinheiro. But no payment system

URL:Scam Detection Explained

URL:Scam (Avast)

URL:Scam é um nome genérico de detecção de um site perigoso,…

HackTool:Win32/Crack - Is it Dangerous?

HackTool:Win32/Crack Analysis & Malware Removal

Ferramenta de invasão:Win32/Crack is related to hacking tools for bypassing license verification.

What is Walliant? Virus Removal

Walliant App

O aplicativo Walliant é um aplicativo potencialmente indesejado (PUA). Isto…

Avoid Answering Calls from These Area Codes: Dangerous List of Scammer Phone Numbers 2022

List of Scammer Phone Numbers 2024

Os telefones há muito são parte integrante da vida cotidiana, and scammers

What is Stopabit Virus? Threat Analysis & Uninstall

Stopabit Virus

Stopabit is an unwanted application that has almost no useful

Account restrictions are preventing this user from signing in - Problem Solved

“Account restrictions are preventing this user from signing in”

Ao trabalhar com Windows, os usuários às vezes podem encontrar o “Account

What is SMApps?

SMApps Virus

SMApps is a malicious program that aims at spreading illegal

What is Trojan:Win32/Casdet!rfn detection?


Trojan:Win32/Casdet!rfn is a detection that indicates the possible presence of

"Virus and Threat Protection Page Not Available" – What Does It Mean?

Virus and Threat Protection Page Not Available

Windows 10 e 11 os usuários às vezes podem encontrar um “Virus…

PUADlmanager Win32/Installcore Detection Analysis & Removal

PUADlmanager Win32/InstallCore

PUADlmanager Win32/InstallCore is a detection that Microsoft Defender antivirus uses

What is PUA:Win32/Packunwan? Threat Description and Removal


PUA:Win32/Packunwan is a generic detection of potentially unwanted program that

What is PUABundler:Win32/Rostpay? Detection Explained


PUABundler:Win32/Rostpay is an antivirus detection related to the software released